Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Raven Johnson
Week #7 Terms
Carry: to take somebody or something that you are holding or supporting to another place.
Calculate: to consider a situation carefully and decide what is likely to happen.
Choose: to decide which of a number of different things or people is best or most appropriate
Classify: to assign things or people to categories
Collect: to bring things together
Communicate: to give or exchange information, e.g. by speech or writing
Compare: to examine two or more people or things in order to discover similarities and differences between them
Connect: to join two or more people, things, or parts
Construct: to create something such as a theory as a result of systematic thought
Contrast: a difference, or something that is different
Convert: to change something from one character, form, or function to another, or be changed in character, form or function

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